Welcome (back) to the library Mepham Pirates! We haven't seen many of you since March and we MISSED you! This global pandemic has brought about a lot of changes and you may notice some of them when you walk through our doors, but rest assured this is the same warm and welcoming place it has always been.
Mepham High School Bulletin Board |
The physical space looks a little different with our new barriers up. We have also removed over half the chairs (including our beloved comfy coffeehouse-style chairs and 4 coffee tables) and computers so that social distancing can take place. We are now limited to 25 students in the library during a class period. If a class is scheduled, we will adjust the number accordingly, so that at maximum only 25 students are in the library at any one time. Students are required to stay the entire period (of course you can go to the bathroom!). We will post a sign outside the library doors when we reach capacity.
Barriers up in the Mepham Library to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Until further notice, we will be checking out library books to students and teachers via “curbside checkout.” Students and teachers can send email requests via this
Google Form. Books will be delivered to the teacher’s classroom or mailbox with a post-it indicating who the book has been checked out to. Only staff will access shelves for library books. (Remember this is only temporary!)
A daily book return container, labeled with the day of the week, will be positioned in the main foyer. Books will be quarantined for seven (7) days prior to check-in or handling. They will then be sanitized and returned to the shelves.
The Makerspace will be closed for the first semester. It is temporarily housing two computer workstations.
Hand sanitizer is mounted outside the library doors and stationed at the circulation desk. Signs regarding CDC safety and social distancing guidelines are displayed throughout the library.
Our library hours have changed. We will be from 7:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. The library will not be open BEFORE or AFTER school for cleaning and sanitizing purposes. We also have new procedures for visiting the library. A post explaining these will be up shortly.
If you have any questions about our new procedures, please let us know. We are here to help.