Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Book Auctions

As an alternative to the traditional book talk, this month, I decided to host a book auction. I brought my show on the road, traveling to the Meadowbrook Alternative Program (MAP) in our district. MAP does not have a traditional library and the classroom sets of books are lacking in diversity. So I filled up three boxes with a variety of books from different genres (historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, romance, humor, military, etc.) and different formats (graphic novels, verse, poetry etc.). Since I had so many books with me and a small amount of time to "sell" them to the students, I summarized each book into one sentence. Trust me, that's no easy feat! This is what I call a "book auction!"

The books I brought over were chosen based upon a Reader's Advisory Questionnaire that I asked to students to fill it out prior to my arrival. Since I did not know the students personally, I wanted to know a little more about each one of them to help guide the selections. 

The result: Success! Each student in the class was able to select a book of interest for their next unit on independent reading.

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