Monday, September 14, 2020

Edpuzzle Coach Certification

Back when we started using Edpuzzle in 2017, we did not know how integral it would be to our instruction in 2020. Once we headed into quarantine back in March, teachers across the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District reached out and wanted to learn more. We did informal Zoom meetings to show them how to incorporate it into materials that they already had prepared, such as YouTube videos and Google Slide presentations (turned videos using Screencastify). At the end of last year the district purchased Pro accounts for all of our teachers. 

Then over the summer the Technology Integration Mentors had the opportunity to take professional development through Edpuzzle's online PD, which allows users to learn at their own pace and get officially certified. The certification helps mentors understand the pedagogical basis of Edpuzzle and how to support other teachers in our district. So back in July, I became certified as an Edpuzzle Coach and was able to provide our teachers with PD in August in anticipation on a hybrid start to the 2020-2021 school year. 

If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to any of the Technology Integration Mentors across the district. 

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